Chairman update
Club kit has now been uploaded to the website/Pitchero app. You can now place your orders through the app. Size samples will be available at the AGM.
The O’Neill’s online store for kit will be going live soon.
Please see the recent website announcement for more information
On safeguarding, further policies to be created at circulated to better safeguard our members.
Dave Butler is continuing to build the club archive. If you have any relevant information, please reach out to Dave. A digital version of the archive will be made in the future.
As a reminder, a first aid course will be run on Wednesday 22nd May from 18:30 to 21:30 at Wassell Grove. Limited spaces are available and will be offered on a first come, first served basis.
The qualification will last for 3 years and is free. Please let a member of the committee know if you would like to attend.
Club captain update
Summer league is well and truly up and running for the Ladies section with two comprehensive victories over Harborne and Finchfield – Keep it up Ladies!!
The Mens section is about to get started with games in the next couple of weeks.
If you haven’t been contacted about playing for a team yet, please reach out to Sophie Atherton.
Preparation is now underway to get ready for next season.
Finance update
For those of you who still have not settled your 2023/24 debts, please settle these ASAP with the treasurer.
Next meeting is the AGM, 8pm @ Wassell Grove. See you there!
We have been advised that there is an event on Monday evening at Wassell Grove which may limit parking.