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Committee Meeting Summary

Committee Meeting Summary

Jake Brooke20 Feb - 13:40
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A summary of discussion from the meeting held on 12.2.24

Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
Four new executive officers have now taken over their respective posts and transition is well underway: Jake Brooke (Chairman), Reise Thompson (Secretary), Josh Thomas (Treasurer) and Sophie Atherton (Club Captain).

There was an outstanding proposal from the recent General Meeting to increase quorum at the AGM and GM from 15 Members to 20 Members. After consideration the proposal was rejected unanimously.

Youth Development
We currently have 61 fully registered and active junior members. This is made up of 29 female members and 32 male members. 69% of those registered are U12s.

We have 10 regular junior coaches and 6 people who are on hand to assist with the running of the junior section. DBS renewals are underway for those coaches.

Club is in a strong position financially based on initial review from new treasurer.

Additional in-depth reviews and risk analysis to be conducted and will be reported at the next meeting.

Current year end is in May, JT proposes that this is bought forward to the end of April to allow full reporting at the AGM in May. All agree this is sensible.

Club Performance

  • L1’s – Mid table
  • M1’s – In the promotion race
  • L2’s – No relegation and not bottom!
  • M2’s – In the relegation battle
  • M3’s – Comfortably mid table
  • M4’s – Second bottom

Membership numbers are strong with 102 active playing members however consistency/availability of members is the main cause of issues for teams and captains.

Short corner training to be removed from Thursday rotation but pitch time will be available on request.

Club Kit
Working with O’Neill’s to produce several leisurewear items. We anticipate that this kit will be available in the coming weeks. Size samples have been sent and we will be arranging for people to peruse sizes shortly.

Purchases will be available through the club website / pitchero app and directly to O’Neill’s via their web-shop.

Grace Hockey socks replacements are available through Gail Walder (Small/Medium) or Adam Banks (Large).

Grace Socks will continue to be sold via the club website / pitchero app

Annual Dinner
Planning underway for the Annual Dinner which will take place at Wassell Grove on Saturday 20th April.

This year’s format will be an awards ceremony and disco with food options to be confirmed.

Tickets will be available to purchase in the coming weeks once food options/costings are confirmed.

Communication methods, both internal and external, to be reviewed for improvement opportunities and rebranding.

We are looking for volunteers to help run/create content for the external social media side of the club this includes those who wish to take photographs. Please let your captain/committee know if you are interested.

Next meeting
To be held on Monday 11th March. Time/Location TBC

Further reading